First, choose how you want to stream SiriusXM in your business:
Model: Grace Digital BR3 Player
Most Popular: SiriusXM Digital Streaming Player
The Grace Digital BR3 player is the most affordable and easy-to-use way to
get SirusXM into your business.
- Easy to Install
- Works like a regular car radio
- 240+ SiriusXM Stations
- Includes Pandora Artist Radio
- Connects Directly to Wi-Fi
- Get $70 back with mail-in rebate
*Get $70 back with mail-in rebate
SiriusXM Sound Station
Sonos Speaker
The all-in-one wireless speaker is also your business music player.
Requires Streaming Subscription
Use My Own Player
(Internet Subscription Only)
Stream from your iOS, Android, Kindle,
or any PC or MAC.
Most Popular: SiriusXM Digital Streaming Player
$149.99 *Get $70 back with mail-in rebate
SiriusXM Sound Station
Sonos Speaker
The all-in-one wireless speaker is also your business music player.
Requires Streaming Subscription
Use My Own Player (Subscription Only)
Don’t have an internet connection at your business? See our Satellite Radio options below
Satellite Radio Business Kit
This kit is ideal for businesses that don’t have an available internet connection. Requires Satellite Subscription
Use My Own Player
(Satellite Subscription Only)
Activate your existing satellite radio
Easy Installation and Set-up
SiriusXM Satellite Radio Business Kit
This kit is ideal for businesses that want SiriusXM Business Music but don’t have an available internet connection. Requires Satellite Subscription